SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Meeting on Friday, 3rd August

Dear scouts,

Fall in by 1345 hours in your pt kit. Meeting will be informal. Duty patrol will be catfish. Please bring your sprite water bottle and half-u, for those taking part in the GOH NDP rehearsal, regardless reserve or not, you will have to bring your full-u.
For those going to the workshop, you will be dismissed at around 1815.
For those who are remaining in school, you will be dismissed at around 1730.

Also, has anyone seen a black airforce shoebag that belongs to Qaizer? It was lost since last Friday, after the NDP rehearsal. If found, please contact PL Shi Kai.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call any PLs to clarify.

Kwek Kee En
Patrol Leader