SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

St Nicholas Campfire 13 April Friday

To all those going for this campfire:

1. James Lim
2. Shi Kai
3. Xavier
4. Russell
5. Kee En
6. Dennis
7. Kleve
8. Ervin
9. Mikal
10. Khlyn
11. Tandy
12. Emmanuel

1) Please hand in the consent forms to PL Russell by tomorrow. (Consent forms were given out 2 weeks ago). PL Russell will then pass the forms to me.

2) We will be leaving school at ard 530pm and reach St Nicholas school by 615 pm. The event should end by 930pm latest. Scouts will be dismissed at St Nicholas right after the campfire.

3) Attire: Full Uniform

4) Accompanying Teacher: Mr Lincoln Chan

Yours-in Scouting,
Mr. Lincoln Chan