SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events

Thursday, September 30, 2010

World JOTI/JOTA 2010

Hello Scouts, there is an upcoming event called JOTI/JOTA 2010. For those who do not know what it is, it is called Jamboree on the Internet/Jamboree on the Air. This event is held annually all over the world to foster friendships through a free way using the internet. Some of the gadgets/applications used to meet Scouts from all over the World would be Skype, IRC, etc. Jamboree on the Air on the other hand, uses radio amateur tapping devices to tap in into radio waves to converse with Scouts all over the World. This event is fully supported by WOSM (World Organisation of the Scout Movement).

The JOTI 2010 will be held on the 16 and 17 of October 2010. Venue is at Games Haven and it is to be confirmed. We will be attending only on the 16th of October. On the 17th, if you guys want to meet more friends you can continue your participation on the event at home. You just have to download the application.

For this event, a badge and certificate will be awarded to participants for this event. I urge all of you to attend as it will be a wonderful experience for everyone. The beauty of Scouting is to promote friendship not only local, but overseas as well. More updates will be posted here on the blog. More details can be found on this link so as to give you a better understanding about the upcoming event. Thank you.

Yours in Scouting,
AVSL Benjamin Sho
2006 Southern Cross Scout Troop


Unknown said...

Our troop, 1st Winterbourne Down & Buryside (United Kingdom) will be taking part in JOTI. Can we talk with you on Skype? Our id is winterbourne.down.scouts