SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Money Matters (Only for Sec 1)

Dear Parents,

Do note that all Sec 1 scouts will need to bring $17.80 on the next meeting, which is on 19th Feb.

For the the Sec 1 scouts who did not bring $35 to purchase the miscellaneous items at Beach Road, do pass me the money to me on the next meeting.

Breakdown as shown below for your perusal:
1. Shirt
2. Pants
3. Katong Badge
4. Beret Badge
5. Red Scarf (Subtotal: $40 subsidised by MOE)

6. Socks
7. Beret
8. Epaulettes
9. Belt
10. Woggle (Subtotal: $17.80)

1. Boots
2. Mess tin x 02
3. Ground sheet
4. Poncho
5. Beret Holder (Subtotal: $35)