Dear all,
due to the Sec 3 Camp and Sec 2 Heritage trail this week, there will be no scout meetings on 25th and 26th of February.
However, all Sec 1s + James Lee are to fall in outside the Scout Den on 25th Feb (Friday) from 1400-1500pm. Attire: School uniform. I will be conducting their registrations with Scout HQ in the computer lab. Attendance is compulsory. Thank you.
Mr. Lincoln Chan
SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events
Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
3:57 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dear all,
Please be reminded that the fall-in time of the Founder's Day parade is at 0630hrs sharp. The attire to fall in is half-uniform, do remember to bring your full uniform and sew all your badges (especially for those who just receive their name tags). Please do not be late.
Thank you.
Nathan Chang
Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:44 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dear all,
1. Apologies for the rehearsal which took place today as we have to prepare for the Founder's Day Parade which will be held in school on 22nd Feb (Monday). Due to the clash in training dates with the CNY last week, we had to hold the extra rehearsal today. Sorry for the late notice.
2. For your information, 22nd February marks the date of birth of Mr. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, the Founder of World Scout Movement, and this memorable day is celebrated worldwide. More information can be found at the Scout HQ website
3. Finally, we will be doing stock-taking on our logistics this coming Mon (22/2) and maybe Tues if things aren't settled by Monday. I would of course prefer the whole unit to help out with this maintenance and reorganization of the scout den but if there are clashes with tuitions, swimming or piano lessons, the affected scouts will be excused. Otherwise, they are supposed to stay back and work together to contribute to the efforts on Mon and Tues.
Mr. Lincoln Chan
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
6:49 PM
Meeting Updates
There will be meetings held on Friday (19/2), Saturday (20/2), Scouts are required to fall in by 2pm in Full Uniform. The Duty Patrols will be Woodstock and Dove Respectively
Items to bring:
1. Full Uniform
2. PT Kit
3. 1.5 Litre Sprite Bottle
4. Scout Record Book
5. $17.80 (Sec 1 Scouts)(for the Uniforms)
Please take note that there will not be a meeting next week on Friday (26/2). However, The Sec 1s scouts will fall in at 2pm for Registration, and will be dissmissed at 3pm.
Thank You for your time.
Yours In Scouting,
Goh Yu Jin
Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
6:44 PM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Money Matters (Only for Sec 1)
Dear Parents,
Do note that all Sec 1 scouts will need to bring $17.80 on the next meeting, which is on 19th Feb.
For the the Sec 1 scouts who did not bring $35 to purchase the miscellaneous items at Beach Road, do pass me the money to me on the next meeting.
Breakdown as shown below for your perusal:
1. Shirt
2. Pants
3. Katong Badge
4. Beret Badge
5. Red Scarf (Subtotal: $40 subsidised by MOE)
6. Socks
7. Beret
8. Epaulettes
9. Belt
10. Woggle (Subtotal: $17.80)
1. Boots
2. Mess tin x 02
3. Ground sheet
4. Poncho
5. Beret Holder (Subtotal: $35)
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:10 AM
Dear all,
do note that there will be no meetings this week. I shall also repost our Term 1 training dates for the benefit of the Sec 1 scouts and their parents:
19,20, 26 Feb
5, 6, 12, 19, 20 Mar
Fridays: 2pm - 6.30 pm
Alternate Sats: 830am - 12pm (except for the duty patrol which will report earlier)
For scouts who have clashes with their music or swimming lessons, tuitions, i strongly encourage that the activities be rescheduled to accomodate the trainings as it is of utmost importance that the scouts do not lag behind in their development of scout skills and knowledge. Thx so much for your understanding and support. Finally, a happy new year to all and we look forward to a fulfilling year ahead!
Mr. Lincoln Chan
Group Scout Leader
2006 Southern Cross Troop
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:51 AM
Monday, February 8, 2010
100 years of Scouting Scarf
All Scouts are to fall in on thursday at 0810 outside the scout den to pass $3 to me or APL Jonathan Koh.
The money will be used to buy the 100 years of scouting scarf which is COMPULSORY.
Yours In Scouting,
Goh Yu Jin
Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:39 PM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dear Scouts and Parents,
This is a gentle reminder that the Orientation Camp will be from 5th Feb to 7th Feb (Fri to Sun). Do ensure that the consent forms are signed and returned to either Venture Jolian of 4E3 (preferably) or the Patrol Leaders with the $20 camp fees.
I have to apologize for the short notice in the alteration of the pants and sewing of the Unit/District badges as the allocation of Sec 1s into their various CCAs did not take place till the 4th week and it has been a hectic period for the teachers/scout leaders in their preparations for the camp and to get the equipment ready for the Sec 1 scouts. Hence, i seek your understanding and support in this matter.
Thank you so much.
Warm regards,
Mr. Lincoln Chan
Group Scout Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:47 AM