SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

As you would have already known.
This Friday there will NOT be a scout meeting as it is teachers day.

However,not forgetting the hike & BBQ on Saturday.
The hike is compulsary to all scouts.
So please inform your fellow scouts.

Requirements for the hike & BBQ:

1.Half Uniform. (you may wear sport shoes)
2. 3 Litres worth of water AT LEAST.
5.Stationary set. (eg. pens,pencils,etc)
6.Extra clothing. (casual,for after the hike)
7.Swimming trunks [optional]

(Handphones,Mp3s,etc may be brought.However,using of these devices DURING THE HIKE is not allowed)

Yours in scouting,
APL Alvin.