As you would have already known.
This Friday there will NOT be a scout meeting as it is teachers day.
However,not forgetting the hike & BBQ on Saturday.
The hike is compulsary to all scouts.
So please inform your fellow scouts.
Requirements for the hike & BBQ:
1.Half Uniform. (you may wear sport shoes)
2. 3 Litres worth of water AT LEAST.
5.Stationary set. (eg. pens,pencils,etc)
6.Extra clothing. (casual,for after the hike)
7.Swimming trunks [optional]
(Handphones,Mp3s,etc may be brought.However,using of these devices DURING THE HIKE is not allowed)
Yours in scouting,
APL Alvin.
SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
10:23 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
We were sailing along…(We were sailing along)
A cannibal king with a fat nose ring
He hugged and kissed his pretty little miss
Arump- Muack muack!
It only takes a spark to get a fire going.
That's how it is with God's love,
You'll want to pass it on.
Pass it on! Pass it on! Pass it pass it pass it on!
I've got the B.P. spirit right in my head,
I've got the B.P. spirit deep in my heart,
I've got the B.P. spirit all over me, All over me, all over me,
Down the way where the nights are gay,
Sounds of laughter everywhere,
Say a thousand legged worm
Father abraham had seven cildren.
Kaeru no yo mawari
Flea, Fly!
Flea, Fly, Motocar!
We're the 06 scouts and we're here to stay!
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
6:28 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Date: Saturday [25.08.07]
Fall In Time: 0800hrs
Dismissal Time: 1300hrs
2. 1.5Litre GREEN sprite water bottle
Please take note.
Have a heavy breakfast before you come.
All scouts are to comply with the following instructions.
Yours In Scouting,
APL Alvin
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:12 PM
Day: Friday [24.08.07]
Fall In Time: 1310hrs
Dismissal Time: 1800hrs
1.Full Uniform
2.PT Kit
3.1.5 Litre GREEN Sprite Water Bottle
4.Kiwi shoe polish
5.Polishing Cloth
All scouts are to comply with the following instructions.
Yours in scouting,
APL Alvin.
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:04 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Southern Cross Amazing Race
Sorry I didn't post this up yesterday.
Now more about the race. If Vsl Gary hasn't already told you, this will be an Amazing Race styled race with a Scouting twist. Yes there will be Road Blocks and Detours as you and your Patrol race to East Coast Park.
What are the tasks and challenges you will have to face... well you're going to have to attend to experience it yourself or settle for hearing about them from your friends.
The hike will no less than 12km with 8 checkpoints.
Tips & Hints
1. Wear double socks and/or put powder in your socks to lessen the friction/stress on your feet.
2. Bring the items on your list.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Brush-up on your knots & lashings.
5. Get a good night sleep.
6. PLEASE EAT a good/heavy breakfast, you will need the energy.
So I have to ask... WHO'S GOING TO WIN?
I hope in the future, as soon as next year, we can have a larger scale Amazing Race, maybe all over Singapore, where you will have to take buses, MRT, LRT, walk, run, anything legal, doable and affordable (so no sky-diving yet) but again all this can only be done on Saturdays or holiday so do keep that in mind. This kind of thing takes a lot of time and effort to plan and arrange people will be less inclined to organize/help this kind of thing if people aren't going to participate, the current ALs can't be the ones to plan all the activities and we need help of seniors.
Some bad news though:
1. Sea activites (i.e kayaking) will not be allowed due to safety issues.
2. The CHIJ TP Guides will not be able to join us because of other committments.
Good luck to all and see you there,
SL Shaun
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:05 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm Sorry, It was my Mistake
First I want to say that I am sorry for giving the wrong date for the Southeast Area Campfire at Bedok South Sec.
It is no fault of the SCC, I mixed the dates up and told the SCC to get as many people as possible to attend.
So please do not blame the PLs & APLs, this was my mistake. I am sorry to all those who were looking forward to going to the campfire and any undue stress caused to the SCC.
Sivalingam Shaun
Scout Leader
P.S. I will post an update for the hike tomorrow (this evening).
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
12:12 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
On behalf of all the scouts,
i would also like to wish PL Jason Leong a,
-APL Alvin
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
10:42 AM
Just for your information.
We will NOT be attending the campfire at Bedok South Secondary School,
as it was supposedly held on the 18th of August instead of the 28th.
So,in other words.
We had already missed it.
We (APLs & PLs) deeply apologise for the false information.
ps. please spread this piece of information to your other fellow scouts.
Thank You.
-APL Alvin
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
10:33 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Unit Hike & BBQ 2007
VSL Gary and I (with quite a bit of help from my girlfriend) have organized and planned this year’s Hike & BBQ.
You can ask your seniors who went for last year’s hike or checkout the photos @
This year, we will again be returning to East Coast Park for the end of the Hike BBQ. And you will not have to pay a cent. They food will be paid for by the Unit from the $750 the school gave us for maintaining our Silver Frank Sands standard.
You will have to pay for your own bike, kayak and skates if you want. The rental stations are about 600 – 800m from our BBQ pit site. The costs are about:
Bikes: $5 -$10 per hour
Single Kayak: $6 per hour
Double Kayak: $15 per hour
Roller-blades: $7 per 2 hours
This year the Hike will be a race to see which Patrol will reach the final checkpoint at ECP from St. Gab’s so we are expecting full attendance for this (compulsory) event to contribute to your Patrol’s chances of winning.
The Hike & BBQ will be held on 1st September 2007, Saturday. Fall-in in school at 0830 we will take a bus from ECP at 1600. It is not possible to hold this kind of activity on Fridays as there is not enough time and you still have classes.
On another note: Those that have not been turning up for Saturday meetings even valid reasons like tuition, your chances of being promoted next year will be less than half as we want people who are committed to the Unit. We are currently discussing what actions will be taken to improve the attendance of Saturday meetings.
Yours in Scouting,
SL Shaun
P.S. Disclaimer (Consent) forms will be given out this Friday.
P.P.S. Further updates will be posted up here.
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:34 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
- By next Friday's meeting, 17th August 2007, you are to have your GREEN SPRITE water bottle, no other bottles are allowed.
- There will be a hike to East Coast Park on the 1st of September 2007, Saturday. There will be a barbecue after that. More details will be given out.
- Those who have been absent for today's meeting, 11th August, please produce an MC or letter and give it to the PLs.
- To all year2s, please be reminded that the deadline for the map is due next Saturday, 18th August.
PS:Seniors, if there is any mistake(s) in the information please help me correct it, thanks.
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
6:05 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Date: Saturday (11th August)
Fall In Time: 0800hrs
End Time: 1230hrs
1)PT kit (If possible Standardised to blue or just a plain white shirt)
2)1.5 litre green sprite bottle (ALL bottles must be standardised.NO 7-up bottles.)
3)Sport Shoes.
4)Donation Draw tickets and money (IF you have not handed it in)
5)Full U
ALL scouts are to comply with the requirements.
Please pass this info to your fellow scouts.
Yours in scouting,
APL Alvin
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:01 PM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Dear Scouts,
From now on,
It is a MUST,that ALL valuebles have to be surrendered to the PLs for safe keeping.
Reason being,
there have been countless situations in which people's valuebles had went missing.
had been damaged.
Your valuebles will only be returned to you at the end of the meeing.
So we sincerely hope that you will understand why this measures have to carried out.
Thank You.
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
4:11 PM