Greetings Scours,
There will be a Scout meeting this Friday only for Scouts who have failed National Loyalty and First Aid. The meeting will be from 1pm-4pm. Fall in outside the Scout Den at 1pm in your PT Kit. Attendance is COMPULSORY for the scouts whose names are listed below. The Scouts who have to come for this Friday's meeting are:
National loyalty:
Joshua oei
Bryan chin
Sean tham
Yan Jiun
First Aid:
Joshua oei
Cheng kit
Sean tham
Sean tan
Scouts whose names are listed, fall in outside the scout den at 1pm in your PT Kit, bring along your writing materials along with your notes and foolscap pad. Revise for your tests.
Dann Wee
Patrol Leader
SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Friday, 31st October
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
7:01 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Updates for International Friendship Fiesta
Dear Scouts,
For those who have signed up for the event, details are as follows:
Venue: The Singapore Scout Association
Time: 0900hrs to 1500hrs
Attire: Full Scout Uniform
Things to bring: Writing materials and badges (if you have badges to exchange during the event)
There will be a quiz event for all participants to participate. Once completed, you will earn a prize.
The expected turn out for this event is approximately 700 Scouts including overseas participants. Please join in the activity and interact with the other Scouts from other groups and overseas too.
For those who are helping me to set up the exhibition booth on Friday, 24 October 2014, details are as follows:
Venue: The Singapore Scout Association (Multi Purpose Hall)
Time: 2pm to 8pm (If all the work can be cleared quickly, you will be released early)
Attire: PT Kit
Things to bring: Water bottle and towel
**Please liaise with Yang Keat
Please inform your parents about your involvement in the set up. Thank you.
Yours in Scouting,
Benjamin Sho
Scout Leader
2006 Southern Cross Scout Troop
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
11:31 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Postpone of CHIJ campfire
Greetings Scouts,
Please take note that the CHIJ campfire this coming Saturday, 18/10/14 will be postponed to next year February, hence there is no campfire this Saturday.
Thank you
Chng Reuben
Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
5:52 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2014
National Exploration Challenge
Greetings scouts,
There will be an upcoming National Exploration Challenge(NEC).
This event is a competition on basic skills relating to navigation and exploration. There will be prizes depending on how we fair.
The NEC is a project where participating teams are required to prepare themselves in basic skills relating to navigation and exploration.
Date: Before or During 1st november 1700hrs
Theme: Scouting the neighbourhood
Requirements: Participating teams are required to submit a specific number of checkpoints within a certain distance from a given checkpoint. Check points will be judged on novelty or significance, detail of information and accuracy.
Venue: In School
Attire: PT kit with Crux Shirt
What to bring: Writing Materials
Date: Before or During 8th November
Theme:Go Explore
Requirement: Each participating team will plan their exploration routes to cover as many checkpoints as possible within a certain time frame in accordance to their abilities. All teams will converge at the End Point where preliminary results will be tabulated and released. A list of checkpoints will be given for the participating teams to choose and plan.
Venue: Around Singapore
Attire: Scout Full Uniform
What to bring: Water Bottle, Snacks and Writing Materials
Date: Before or During 22nd November
Theme: Prize presentation
Requirements: Particpating teams will be given time to refine their Exploration Journals. Outstanding Journals will be showcased during the aprize Presentation as part of the learning process.
Venue: Scouts HQ
Attire: Scouts Full Uniform
There will also be a briefing for participants on the 18th of October at the Scout HQ from 10am-11.45am. Details about the attire will be updated soon.
This event is optional but strongly encouraged to participate. Please reply your APLs by 15th october wether you would like to attend this event. Any queries or questions, please do approach your APLS for further details
Jarret Hui
Assistant Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:18 PM
International Friendship Fiesta
Greetings scouts,
There will be an upcoming International Friendship Fiesta.
The International Friendship Fiesta is an event where you will get to meet other scouts from different countries and to learn the way of how scouting in other countries work.
Scouts will be able to gather information on various aspects relating to International Scouting where they will move from one activity to another.
The activities are as follows:
~Upcoming International Scouts Events
~World Scout Jamborees, World Scout Moots, World Scout Conferences & Youth Forums
~World Initiatives such as the Scout of the World Award, World Scout Environment Programme and Messenger of Peace
~ Past Jamboree Contingent Reunions
~ International Uniform Exibitions
~Badge Swapping Experiences
~ Workshops for Leaders
Date: 25 October 2014
Venue: Singapore Scout Association
Attire: To Be Confirmed at a later date
Things to bring: $2(Participation Fee)
Scarves and badges(For trading but not compulsory)
This event is optional but strongly encouraged to participate in.
Please inform your Assistant Patrol Leaders of your respective patrols by 15th of October whether you would like to attend this event. Any questions or queries, seek the APLs for more understanding of the event.
Andrew Toh
Assistant Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
8:07 PM