Greetings Scouts,
There will be a meeting on 1/2/13. Please bring along your full u, PT Kit, Water bottles and writing materials. Please fall in latest 1.30 in PT Kit outside the den.
If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to ask the Probationary Patrol Leaders.
Thank you.
R Ramana
Probationary Patrol Leader
SGSS Southern Cross Calendar of Events
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Meeting for 1/2/13
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
4:42 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Meeting for 25/1/13
Greetings scouts,
There will be a meeting on 25/1/13. Please bring along your full-u, water bottles and PT kit. Please fall in latest 1.30 outside the scout den.
If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to clarify with the other Probationary Patrol Leaders.
Thank you.
R Ramana
Probationary Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:26 PM
Dynamite and Warrior courses
Greetings Scouts,
There will be a dynamite and warrior course for this year, the details are as follows
Dynamite: 27 Feb, Wednesday
Warrior:17 Apr, Wednesday
If you are interested in attending any of the courses above, do remember to notify me on tommorow's meeting, Do also note that after each course, you are able to earn a badge.
Probational Patrol Leader Dennis
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
6:30 PM
Friday, January 18, 2013
Meeting for 19 January 2013
Greetings Scouts,
There would be a meeting tomorrow for all SEC 3s. Attire would be free and easy. Please bring along your water bottles and writing materials. It will start at about 8am and would end about 12pm. You can report later if you have valid reasons.
If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to clarify with any one of the Probationary Patrol Leaders.
Thank you.
R Ramana
Probationary Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:04 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Meeting On Friday, 18 January 2013
Greetings Scouts
There will be a meeting on this Friday, 18 January 2013.
Please bring your Full Uniform, PT Kits, water bottles and writing materials.
PAPLs fall in at 1.20pm. The rest please fall in at 1.30pm.
Take your lunch before coming in PT Kits.
Probational Patrol Leader Tandy
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:05 PM
Friday, January 11, 2013
Meeting for 12/1/2013
Greetings scouts,
There will be a meeting tomorrow at 8am. Please fall-in in PT Kit by latest, 7.50am. Bring your half-u, water bottles, SNACKS and writing materials(foolscap and pen) along. You will be dismissed at around 12pm.
Late comers please contact PPL R Ramana(97910754) or PPL Ervin Chan(98338460) if you cannot locate us when you have arrived at the school.
If you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to clarify with anyone of the Probationary Patrol Leaders.
Thank you.
R Ramana
Probationary Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
9:11 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Meeting on 11 Jan 2013
Greetings scouts,
Please have your lunch and fall-in in PT Kit outside the scout den latest 1.30pm. PAPLs please fall -in by 1.20 or earlier if possible. Please bring your full u and water bottles. You will be dismissed at 6.30pm.
If you have any doubts or question please feel free to ask your Probationary Patrol Leaders.
Thank you
R Ramana
Probationary Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
7:34 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Meeting for CCA fair 4/1/13
Dear scouts,
Please get excused from your lessons at 1200 and fall in tomorrow in your PT kit at 1230 after having your lunch. Please bring along your Full u and water bottle. Do make sure that your uniforms are in top conditions E.G ironed shirts, polished boots.
If there any doubts or questions please clarify with the Probationary PLs.
Thank you.
Xavier Owyeong
Probationary Patrol Leader
Posted by
2006 Southern Cross Scout Unit
10:03 PM